The USS Galaxy Awards  is Presented to sites that show the true spirit of Star Trek and that shows that they have been well maintained.  When a site is submitted for our award we look at the site and make a judgment on what level it should receive.

The Level 1 Galaxy Award.  This award is often presented to sites that small and are just starting up.  If a site only slightly Star Trek related it could get this award.

The Level 2 Galaxy Award.  This award is often presented to sites that small to midrange and are just starting up or have been up for a short time.  The site must be Star Trek related to get this award.

The Level 3 Galaxy Award.  This award is often presented to midrange to large sites.  These sites must be well thought out and originally is an asset. For RPG sites originally can be difficult but possible.  Spelling mistakes and HMTL/JAVA code can only have a few small errors. (Most of us are only Human!)   The site must be Star Trek related to get this award.

The Level 4 Galaxy Award.  This award is often presented to large sites.  These sites must be well thought out and originally is an asset. For RPG sites originally can be difficult but possible.  Spelling mistakes and HMTL/JAVA code should not have any errors.   The site must be Star Trek related to get this award.

The Level 5 Galaxy Award.  This is the Galaxy's Highest Award.  This award is always presented to large sites.  These sites must be well thought out and originally is an asset. For RPG sites originally is possible.  Spelling mistakes and HMTL/JAVA code should not have any errors.  LCARS versions and frames are an asset.  These sites should blow anyone who goes there away.  Proper notice should be made to anyone that images, etc. were borrowed from. The site must be Star Trek related to get this award.

Please E-Mail the Site Name, URL, Name you want appeared on award and the reason you think your site deserves this award.  Please E-Mail Captain William Coast if you wish to apply for this award.

The USS Galaxy Team