Welcome to the USS Galaxy!  I, Vice Admiral Robert Sattler, command this fine ship and Captain William Coast is her Executive Officer.  This ship is the flagship of  Task Force 58 and is a part of Bravo Fleet.  This graceful lady is always in preparation for whatever awaits her on her new adventures into the unknown.  You will be guaranteed to have the type of adventure, mystery, and thrills, that goes with life.  Whether it be battling the Dominion or doing escort duty to ambassadors, the Galaxy and her crew are ever ready to meet the challenges.
So, come join us on the adventures of this Galaxy class ship.   We just might hold the key to your dreams and sense of adventure.
Click below and become an officer of Bravo Fleet.  Look around to find out more.

PERSONNAL- Crew Manifest , ( Crew Biographies comming soon! )

READY ROOMS- CO's Ready Room , XO's Ready Room

TECHNOLOGICAL- Ship Specifications , Ships Tour , Support Craft

COMMUNICATIONS- Ships CO & XO  , Task Force CO ,  Bravo Fleet

SUPPORT- Fleet Links , Non-Fleet Links, Webrings

AWARDS- Our Awards, Display Case

JOIN- Join our Crew

FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions

Click below to access the Special File on the USS Imzadi.  Task Force 58's Mobile Fleet Control Center.

Bravo Fleet Command.  The Net's largest E-Mail Role play Game!
Click above to warp there!

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This is a grapgics intence website.  I hope your heart can take it.