In the event of a worst-case scenerio in which the Galaxy finds itself at the hands of a brutal enemy or dangerous onboard malfunction, the crew can safely evacuate via the escape pods.  Located through out the ship, the escape pods provide a safe and easy way to quickly evacuate the ship.

The Galaxy carries a total of 402 escape pods.  Each pod can hold up to six people which makes the total evacuation capacity at over 2,400 people.  The pods are equipped with maneuvering thrusters for propulsion and atmospheric re-entry.  In addition to thrusters, it is equipped with enough food and supplies for a month as well as a long-range subspace beacon to alert any nearby ships of their location.

To gain access to the escape pods, several corridors of the ship have been lined with hatches that connect to the individual pods.  The evacuation corridors are a quick and easy way to get to the pods in case of an extreme emergency. The evacuation corridors are often kept empty as the ship personnel generally avoid traversing through them, seeing them as a sign of bad luck.

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