CO' READY ROOM                                           XO'S READY ROOM

The retreat away from the rigours of the bridge, and a place to conduct the necessary work that comes to a CO and XO. The Ready Room is the private domain of the Commanding and Executive Officer, a place to relax and conduct  ship business in privacy. The ready rooms of the Galaxy do  link directly to the bridge which allow for being only a moment away if needed.

               CO' READY ROOM                                           XO'S READY ROOM

Another alteration is the position of the XO's officer. Unlike existing ships, where the XO's officer is located on a different deck, the XO's can now be  reached on Deck 01, his/her private office having been added in a mirror image positions to the CO's.  The interrior designs are different however.  The XO'S ready room was brought in from a Intrepid class starship design and it matches the same design as the counseling offices onboard.

The ready room also has its own replicator and computer station, which allows the captain access to the main computer, as well as the ability to moniter any ship system.

The ready rooms of the Galaxy is usually well furnished with personal possessions.  Both Rooms however, have a large painting of the Galaxy behind the desks as well as various models..

Ready Room Layout For The XO

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