The Galaxy features a number of holosuites of various sizes, including four large and medium size ones, and eight of "individual" size. The Holosuites are located on decks 8 through 10.

The holosuite allows crew members to simulate any environment or situation desired with a realism almost indistinguishable from the real thing. For instance, a popular holosuite program is the woodland setting, which features a realistic forest, with trees, bushes, undergrowth and ground cover, and even a small stream.

Holosuites can also reproduce populated areas, such as concerts or sporting events, and can even simulate "characters" that the crew members can interact with, with varying degrees of realism, depending on the program. Some crew members enjoy "holo-novels" which allow them to take part in an interactive adventure with themselves as he starring character. The Holosuites are also used for training or mission simulations.

Images are projected using a combination of holographic projectors and extremely precise tractor beam emitters located in the projection grids on the holosuite walls. Safety
protocols prevent dangerous holosuite situations from injuring visitors.

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