Located on Deck 36 aft is Main Engineering. From here, all of the propulsion and power systems (primarily the warp drive, impulse engines, fusion reactors, and electroplasma power distribution net) on the Galaxy may be monitored and controlled. Of course, this is also the location of the matter/antimatter reaction chamber.

In addition to monitering the ship's power generation and propulsion systems, environmental systems can also be monitered here.

The engine room is a massive three-deck structure, dominated primarily by the warp core, plasma coolant tanks, and the massive EPS distribution conduits.  Along the walls are an array of conduits, pipes, ladders and gantrys, and display panels.  Engineering provides access to all key systems and is able to moniter them via complex controls and displays.

Located near the warp core is the main systems moniter table, commonly referred to as "the pool table".  This device incorporates holographic technology, allowing it to display complex models, systems, and warp fields in 3-d.

Near the main entrance to Engineering is the chief engineer's (or head officer on duty) office.  This office is used by the chief engineer to moniter all engineering functions on board the ship.

In the event of severe damage to the Galaxy and the main bridge, all command functions and ship controls can be re-routed through engineering, allowing the crew to operate the ship from there.

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